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An escape from the treadwheel

The little team of Travel and Tourism final-year students invested two days and some pocket money to get a short break from stress of the coming exam period. An overnight ride on the bus from Budapest to Krakow: rising with the sun and getting some more sleep at the station, and arriving just at the opening time to have a brilliant breakfast with hot latte at a Polish artisan bakery. Local hospitality is reflected by the fact that we could occupy our accommodation in the old town at 9 am, so the discovery of the town could be started soon after some rest – and without the backpacks. The market hall with its amber jewellery stalls, the busy old town with its beautiful architecture, the Wawel with its dragon and the Vistula river, window-shopping and some karaoke with people from all over the World in a nearby bar in the evening are some of the memorable experiences. For their history studies, the two Noras visited the Birkenau concentration camp – a deeply moving experience. Our bus back home left Krakow the next afternoon and we were back at home at about the same time we left two days ago.

Andrea Nagy, teacher of T&T, Táncsics Mihály Secondary School, Mór

Nóra Lili Daru, Nóra Friedmann, Petra Pém, Boróka Tóth


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